Image by Larissa Gies | Unsplash
Check in with In Departures.
InDepartures.com lets you check in to airports you have visited and also airports that you are visiting on a future trip. You get 2 Reward Points for each check in. Rewards Points can be used as entry requirement for giveaways and also for offers on In Departures.

Past Check Ins
Checking in for past visits to an airport allows you to display information about how many city’s, countries and regions you have visited on your profile. Check ins are also pin pointed on a map on your profile page.

Future Check Ins
Checking in for future airport visits is a super useful feature as we build more features on In Departures. Soon you will have the option of being able to receive email reminders before you fly containing airport tips as well as exciting offers and discounts. Who wouldn’t want a cheeky lounge discount or fast track security pass in your inbox just a couple of days before you fly?

How to check in
So now you know why you should check in on the website, how do you actually do it?
It’s simple:
- Once you are logged in, go to the airport page that you are travelling from or have visited
- Click on the “Check In” button
- You see options to select a date and click “Check In”
You can check in to past and future dates. All check ins will appear on your profile and you can filter by “Previous” and “Upcoming” check ins.
That’s all there is to it! Happy travels!