"When you arrive at the airport, you can take advantage of the free superfast Wi-Fi available. Here are the steps to connect and enjoy speeds of up to 50mbps:
Navigate to the list of available wireless networks on your device.
Select the network named 'Free Gatwick Wi-Fi'.
Click on the 'get online now' button.
A prompt will appear asking for your email address.
Enter your email address and click 'submit' to start your Wi-Fi session.
If you require even faster Wi-Fi speeds, you can sign up for a myGatwick account. Follow these additional steps:
Sign up for a myGatwick account and verify your account.
Once your account is verified, use the same username and password to log in to the Wi-Fi network.
By logging in with your myGatwick account, you can enjoy speeds of up to 100mbps.
Please note that the exact steps may vary slightly depending on the specific instructions and interface provided by the airport's Wi-Fi service."
1 years 7 months 19 days 5 hours ago